• The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) posted unrealized gains of P784 billion as of the first eight months of 2023, up by 5.7 percent from same period last year of P741.99 billion.
  • For the whole of 2022, based on the central bank’s financial statement, it registered P689.25 billion unrealized gains, more than 2021’s P617.32 billion and 2020’s P478.42 billion.
  • As of end-August, the BSP recorded a net income of P22.91 billion, 71 percent lower compared to same period last year of P78.82 billion.
  • It posted net foreign exchange gains of P43.67 billion, down 2.75 percent from same time last year of P42.5 billion. These are realized gains from foreign exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Total liabilities also increased slightly by 0.2 percent to P7.291 trillion from P7.276 trillion.
