• Manibela will hold another protest tomorrow amid the looming threat of unconsolidated public utility jeepneys (PUJs) being allowed to operate only until Jan. 31.
  • At a forum yesterday, Manibela president Mar Valbuena announced the Jan. 16 transport “strike,” which Manibela quickly clarified on their Facebook page would be a “protest,” alongside fellow transport group PISTON and other sector groups.
  • “We will march from University of the Philippines (UP Diliman), España, up to Mendiola this Tuesday. This (transport protest) will be nationwide. After a series of meetings in the past days, we are prepared for the protest action. The number (of protesters) will be tripled compared to the Dec. 29 (2023) protest as many already expressed sympathy for the scheduled protest,” Valbuena said in Filipino.
