Through the years, we have proven our ability to create value and opportunities, as well as provide solutions that are pioneering, game changing, and responsive to the needs of both issuers and investors.

Moving Capital

First Metro has perennially dominated the domestic fixed income market, accounting for the lion’s share of capital markets transactions and helping pillars of the industry address their funding requirements through bond issuances.

Deepening the Market

True to its mission to deepen the capital markets, the company has developed innovative products such as the first exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the country, the First Metro Philippine Equity Exchange-Traded Fund; project notes involving an SPV and non-bank institutions as investors; the month fixed rate notes with tenors of 18 and 24 months (for Toyota Financial Services, ORIX METRO, and PSBank); and the first AMBIF (ASEAN+3 Multi-currency Bond Issuance Framework) in the Philippines (for ÆON Credit), to name a few.

Widening Investor Base

To entice more Filipinos to become investors and promote investment literacy, First Metro pioneered the issuance of financial market instruments such as the Retail Treasury Bonds (rTBs), Multi-currency Bonds, and On-shore Dollar Bonds that help boost the National Government’s fiscal position in addition to encouraging small investors and savings mobilization.

Addressing Project
Financing Needs

First Metro supports the country’s infrastructure buildup program, particularly in power, transportation and airports, by raising much-needed capital and offering innovative project financing solutions to public-private partnerships, joint ventures, and private consortiums.

Bringing New Names

To further grow the capital markets, the company has also been introducing new names to the capital markets such as Wilcon Depot, Axelum Resources Corp., Fruitas Holdings, Inc., and ORIX METRO.