50 Years of Putting You First

2013 Annual Report

First Metro Investment Corporation celebrates its fiftieth year of existence, and what a half century it has been. After years of fostering the development of the country’s capital markets as the investment banking arm of the Metrobank Group, we now find ourselves atop the industry. Unequaled in asset size, engaged year after year in the lion’s share of all transactions in the capital markets and producing astounding income results — First Metro could not have come so far without its most important partner: You.

If First Metro has made a name for itself with its service excellence, its innovation and its leadership, this is a gratifying byproduct of putting you first. Mobilizing capital for our clients, both private corporations and government agencies, has put us on the relentless pursuit of excellence, excellence that redounds to your benefit. Our many awards and distinctions are testament to the esteem to which we hold you, our clients, our partners.

May the next fifty years bring this partnership to even greater heights.

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