The Internship Program of First Metro is intended for college and/or post-graduate students due for graduation within the application year.

The goal of the program is to provide the qualified intern valuable education and hands on background through a supervised work experience. First Metro aims on providing the intern a “real world” work experience and a head start towards an exciting and rewarding career in a financial institution.

The program also intends to enhance link between First Metro and the top universities and colleges in and outside of the country. It also aims on matching industry program with programs being offered by universities and educational institutions. It also proposes to establish future potential employment prospects based on good results during internship.


  1. Students due for graduation (either from college or any post-graduate curriculum)
  2. Strong sense of leadership
  3. High team spirit and with good planning and organizing capabilities
  4. Excellent communication skills


  1. Applicant Declared Information Sheet
  2. Recent Resume
  3. Endorsement Letter from Practicum Coordinator
  4. Copy of Transcript of Records
  5. Certificate of Good Standing from the Dean’s Office


First Metro generously provides a premium to post-graduate students who could contribute significantly during their internship period.


First Metro will issue a Certificate of Completion to the intern upon completion of internship requirements at the end of the internship period.

For more information on the internship program, please send an email to