Philippines Growth, First Metro Story

2012 Annual Report

The Philippine story is a story of transformation. Once known as the “sick man of Asia,” the country has emerged as the “best economic success story” in a world that is increasingly dominated by uncertainty and pessimism. In the past, the economy has often exhibited its resilience, bucking global headwinds and sidestepping economic tailspins. Now the world is taking notice, not because it has dodged another doom, but because positive, meaningful change is happening and inviting everyone to ride in the crest of growth.

The story of First Metro Investment Corporation encapsulates the Philippines’ success story. For half a century now, the country’s leading investment bank has not only been a witness to the ups and downs of the Philippine capital markets, it has also played an active role in the nation’s march towards economic progress, both as a prime mover of capital and a driver of inclusive growth. The Philippines’ success is First Metro’s success.

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