Riding the Winds of Change

2016 Annual Report

When the winds of change blow, some build walls while others build windmills, as one Chinese proverb says.

With a solid track record built over half a century of ebb and flow, First Metro Investment Corporation has already mastered the seas of change.

2016 was the year our company demonstrated its fundamental ability to execute. In a year characterized by heavy macroeconomic and political headwinds locally and globally, First Metro delivered strong underlying growth, underscoring the strength of our franchise, the unusual flexibility provided by our broad and well-balanced business strategy, and our proven ability to navigate challenging waters.

A concrete testament to our performance as a prime mover in the domestic capital markets, First Metro was named the Philippines’ “Best Investment Bank” by international publication Global Finance.

Banking on our long and stellar history as the leading investment bank in the Philippines, we are now setting our sights on making a name in a bigger arena: Asia. Our regional ambition has remained steadfast and unshakeable, even as the winds change their course.

We believe that every raging storm is followed by calmer sea, and whenever this happens, First Metro will always be in a position of strength to quickly ride on the winds of change.

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